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Economics teaches how to analyze choices and resource allocation, helping you understand how markets work, why prices change, and how policies impact economies. You develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and data analysis, skills that open up diverse career paths in business, finance, government, and research. It’s not just about money; it’s about making informed decisions in various aspects of life, from personal finance to global issues. 

The SSU Department of Economics is committed to excellence in providing you an education in a field that combines theory with real-world applications, making it both practical and intellectually stimulating.

The BA degree program has three basic objectives:

  • to provide a sound grasp of the tools of economic analysis and measurement; 

  • to provide an understanding of institutional development and the interrelation of economic and social factors; and

  • to develop the student’s ability to apply systematic analysis and understanding to decision-making in both the private and the public sectors.

You can pursue career and intellectual interests through the many courses that explore the structure and performance of a particular institution or policy area within the economy. In addition, many faculty have served as practicing economists with public agencies or private firms, bringing to their classrooms a rich background of practical experience analyzing policy issues and problems.


  • Consulting and Research at Local, State, and Federal Government Agencies
Banking and Finance
  • Financial Analysis, Commercial Banking, Credit Analysis, Operations Securities
  • Claims, Underwriting, Risk Management
Sales Management
  • Person-to-Person and Business-to-Business sales management in all industries 
  • Business and Industry
  • Teaching, Research